An Intuitive
In an experiment carried out years ago by the American Navy in a hospital in Los Angeles, the non-locality of DNA (that as we know has quantum nature because it consists of photons, phonons and electrons) was demonstrated. A DNA sample was taken from the mouth of a volunteer patient and taken to another room inside the same building, placing electronic microscopes in both sides. Then, a change in the patient's emotional state was propitiated, observing that when the person was at peace and relaxed, the DNA was shown as a loose uncompressed spring; and when the emotional state changed to annoying or frustrated, the DNA contracted as a spring being pressed.
As we know, one of the fundamental
properties of quantum physics is that which indicates that sub-atomic particles
- or quanta - that come from the same origin, remain entangled; and another,
the quantum non-locality effect, which indicates that when one acts on one of
those entangled particles, all the others react instantaneously in consequence,
that is causally, no matter how far apart they are.
In an experiment carried out years ago by the American Navy in a hospital in Los Angeles, the non-locality of DNA (that as we know has quantum nature because it consists of photons, phonons and electrons) was demonstrated. A DNA sample was taken from the mouth of a volunteer patient and taken to another room inside the same building, placing electronic microscopes in both sides. Then, a change in the patient's emotional state was propitiated, observing that when the person was at peace and relaxed, the DNA was shown as a loose uncompressed spring; and when the emotional state changed to annoying or frustrated, the DNA contracted as a spring being pressed.
As a result, the DNA had an observed
behavior on the screen, which demonstrated the non-locality based on the
ability of DNA (quantum nature) with the same origin (the patient) to remain entangled
(able to communicate) even when separated.
Dr. Cleave Baxter who participated in the
experiment, asked to repeat it but with the patient in Los Angeles and the
separated DNA in Phoenix, Arizona more than 600 km away; And the behavior was
reflected simultaneously, exactly the same, showing that no matter the distance
between the particles, they remain entangled.
With these experiments, non-locality and
quantum entanglement between sub-atomic particles from the same source were
fully demonstrated.
the Pendulum of Newton where the ball of the left is a sub-atomic (quantum)
particle entangled with the sub-atomic particle on the extreme right; and the
balls between them are Dark Matter (neutrinos) in constant interaction with
Dark Energy, forming the "quantum soup" that fills the Universe
constantly moving at the speed of light. We take action on the particle on the
left and let it go colliding with the balls of dark matter (neutrinos) that
apparently do not move -forming the Messenger Media- and the instant effect is
the entangled subatomic particle of the right bounces graphing the quantum
non-locality effect. Of course, in the case of the Newton Pendulum, we are
within the Cartesian Physics (time-space) having in effect friction in the
energy transmission through the central balls. This is just an example of
trying to plot in a simple way the property of quantum entanglement.
now that this pendulum is multidimensional, filling the universal space having
the ability to convey action from one sub-atomic particle acting in a place, to
other –one or more- entangled particles in other places of the Universe or
beyond, instantly reacting.
Let use for this the same representation
Ahmed Adel Ahmed uses to imagine the “quantum soup” filling the universal space
and the Dark Matter interacting with the Dark
Energy in the Holographic Perspective of the Universe and beyond the Universe
through the multidimensional worlds, which constitutes the “Frictionless
Messenger Media”
Now let see the ultra-light speed issue:
A simple physical
example: suppose we are at the back edge on the platform of
a truck running at 50 km/hr and we began to move forward over the platform at 5
km/hr; our actual ground speed is 55 km/hr.
Suppose now that we place
the Pendulum
of Newton aiming forward in the truck platform also running at 50 km/h. If we
release forward the ball in the back, the ball in the front extreme of the
pendulum will react immediately, and the speed of reaction will be the normal
speed if the pendulum would be in static place + 50 km/hr.
Let prospect then the action on a
sub-atomic particle (quantum) and the reaction of entangled particles being in
different remote places of the Universe (non-locality effect) and beyond, which
operates thanks to the Frictionless Messenger Media or "quantum soup"
consisting of Dark Matter (neutrinos) and the interaction (transformation) Dark
Matter - Dark Energy, which moves to speed of light; it can lead us intuitively
to conclude that quantum entanglement occurs at a ultra-light speed formed by
the reaction rate within the sub-atomic particles as they were together in the
origin + the speed of the “quantum soup” (Frictionless Messenger Media). Bear
in mind that neutrinos are subatomic particles lepton type no electric charge
with a spin ½; therefore, neutrinos are not affected by electromagnetism.
Within the perspective of multidimensionality, we should skip the speed of light leaving just the instantaneous reaction through a sort of timeless and space-less INTERDIMENSIONAL PORTAL.
Finally we could conclude that in the Cartesian Physics (local) we live in the space-time (Quantum Mechanics); and in Quantum Physics we exist in the NOW. This gives the a-causal platform for the SYNCHRONICITY (of Jung and Pauli) or SIMULTANEOUS ACTION as Gregg Braden claims; and also to the INSTANT REACTION of the of the Quantum Physics non-locality in the causal action between entangled particles but in their ENERGY (Wave) CONDITION in which the Consciousness (Virtual Quantum Space) is inter-dimensionally connected through the RESONANCE EFFECT between lower to higher or higher to lower vibrational frequencies throughout dimensions (INTER-DIMENSIONAL PORTAL).