By Luis Bravo Villarán
MICHIO KAKU one of the most credible scientific says that “synchronicity” is present in every event of existence and life as a deterministic course (necessarily would have to integrate the “free will”); his thoughts go beyond time-space proposing the “string theory” also called the “theory of everything” or the “M theories” that according Stephen Hawking allow the spontaneous formation of universes from the nothingness replacing God (ref. to his book “The Great Design”).
Fortunately for God believers, Hawking indicated in the book that "he would describe how the M theory can offer the creation response. According to the predictions of M theory, our universe is not the only one; ... but a multitude of universes arising naturally from physical law: they are a scientific prediction.
.... the primitive universe was almost completely uniform... wisely containing variations in density of the order of a hundred thousand on one part... and that this was the basis for the evolution that led us to processes governed by the equilibrium of the fundamental forces of nature, whose mutual relations had to be just right so that we could exist.
Finally, he said that... M theory is the only candidate to complete the theory of the universe... is the unified theory that Einstein was looking for, who missed lifetime to accept by prove the non-locality of Quantum Physics. And in relation to this unified theory on which Hawking said it would describe how it can offer the creation response, ended by saying: If the theory is confirmed by observation, will be the culmination of a search that goes back to more than three thousand years. We would have found the GRAND DESIGN??? that obviously he didn’t show in his book. I believe there is no doubt of how speculative Stephen Hawking may have been..
Regarding the theory in which Michio Kaku sustains the “multiverse” issue, this does not give away the general focus about the existence of what he calls “vibrational states” in the form of particles (matter at sub-atomic scale) called Taquions that he says are hypothetical sub-atomic particles capable to travel at super-light speed… Michio Kaku also talks about multi-dimensionality holding that there could be up to eleven dimensions (I think there are only seven).
Nevertheless we can make an empiric reflection similar to that of the “string theory” which is precisely the “quantum physics” itself beyond the time-space and the 3-D Universe; that is, beyond the quantum mechanics in a world where the quantum has only energetic condition and does not have matter condition, not even as the hypothetical sub-atomic particle called Taquion, because beyond the universal 3-D the quanta would be only “energy” that eventually one could denominate “strings”.
And then?... simple, even if the hypothetical Taquions were super-luminous particles, that implies a travel through space where precisely there is no travel at all, because within the “quantum entanglement and no-locality” what occurs is an “instantaneous reaction” with no regard to the respective space location of the entangled particles or of the energetic quanta of the same vibrational frequency beyond the 3-D.
It implies “synchronicity” along with energetic existence that involves everything and is implicit within; synchronicity is the resonant reality along and within “the All”; it is the “omnipresent consciousness”.
What does this mean?... this means that inside the universal time-space of the ultra-macro down to the ultra-micro, the sub-atomic particles or quanta having the same origin (same source, in extreme backwards, could be the Big Bang) “remain united” regardless their “space location” (united, not together); and when one particle (quantum) is modified in one location, all the “entangled quanta” are instantaneously modified consequently losing in that very instant their respective location (that is why the term “no-local”), giving the sensation of simultaneous action but pre-existing the cause and consequently originating the effect.
It is nevertheless clear that "no space travel" nor displacement exists, then there is no any speed implied; the effect in practice is simultaneous, understanding simultaneous in this context, the instant reaction; it encircles the Universe, as it is within the Universe and unfluctuating reaches the atomic level; it is like "pure energy", different from the light or electromagnetic energy that operates within universal spacetime.
Quantum Mechanics seems to be the part of Quantum Physics modeled mathematically, without prejudice of relativity and constrained to time-space. However, when the properties of quantum entanglement and the quantum no-locality of Quantum Physics should be explained, one must go beyond mathematics (Quantum Mechanics) and time-space. I reiterate that there what exists is the "quanta" exclusively as energy, which would be what Michio Kaku calls "strings". There probably must be accepted that entanglement is given by "resonance" within an "All" filled with the infinity of frequencies (energy waves beyond light and electromagnetism), which could be a virtual matrix of pure energy vibrations; but it would also be given by narrow frequency bands that would bring close, if not unified, highly interrelated energies.
That "All" or virtual matrix of vibrations (no spatial) is what could be approached to the denomination of "Omnipresent Consciousness" (Universal Consciousness?) that John Hagelin calls the unified universal ocean; a sort of Quantum Virtual Vibrating Subjacent World.
With respect to TIME, it should be said that it does not have dimension, that TIME is this very instant (1/∞), that is the only existing time, the "NOW". The Quantum Mechanics -I reiterate- operates within the 3-D universal time-space; meanwhile, Multi-dimensionality which contains existence, is a permanent "NOW" being the only time that exists, it has been the past, it is the present and it will be the future, but it is always the "NOW". Before living, we exist in the past; then we live and exist simultaneously; and in the future, we will continue existing beyond life ... always in the "NOW". It has to bear in mind that it is a completely different issue to measure the manifestation of time that is the displacement of matter (including the sub-atomic level) at a defined speed. That is not real time, it is a measurement conventionally called time in numeric terms that in fact is the numeric term of the matter displacement.
While Cartesian Physics is the Universe, our three-dimensional world that we can measure (mathematically modeled), see and touch (explicated order), the Quantum Physics comprehensively is the scenario of existence, the underlying reality that we cannot measure (hopefully could be mathematically modeled in the future), nor see, nor touch (implicated order).
We are multidimensional beings living within a holographic universe (interconnected) vibrating in resonance.
(From Mental Level to 7th Dimension, there should not be any geometric interpretation; this is a representation, not a spatial drawing; there is no up or down)
The extension of the Mind through Consciousness in the 4th dimension is the etheric level composed by Dark Energy (called DARK because of the permanent transformation with the so-called Dark Matter -probably Neutrinos-, that cannot be seen and has no interaction with electromagnetism) which being the “frictionless messenger media” of Consciousness (Quantum Entanglement) ends up as the storage of the memories in that level, as 4th dimension (etheric) as energy strings.
The élan of emotions being these special energies are stored as 5th dimension having the ability to observe and receive energy of others emotions we can feel by more sophisticated feelings that manifest in the Causal Level of the 6th dimension (volitional level). The 7th dimension is where the elevated souls are as a mirror of the etheric 4th dimension souls attached to the physical bodies of the three-dimensional world, which could be again and again in the perspective of reincarnation.
Bear in mind that consciousness crosses all dimensions and would be a sort of PORTAL (White Hole instead of Black Hole) that opens for dimensional interaction skipping the speed factor to the instant NOW.
I believe that Michio Kaku Is the brilliant scientist with the mind able to make the paradigmatic jump of time-space (living aside the hypothetical super-luminous particle) to "Quantum Physics beyond Quantum Mechanics"; that means, toward the quanta as energy and energy multi-dimensionality v.g. the reality of existence; I reiterate beyond time-space, Universe, and life itself.