viernes, 14 de abril de 2017


What we know about the Big Bang is often just theory

It is clear that we do not yet have a solid explanation regarding what happened during the Big Bang, or if it even happened at all. This new theory (The Universe has no beginning. The Big Bang never occurred – Arjun Walia Feb 2015) is combining general relativity with quantum mechanics, and at the end of the day these are all just theories.
Not to mention the fact that theories regarding multiple dimensions, multiple Universes and more have to be considered. When looking for the starting point of creation, our own Universe (and its "singularity) might not even be the place to start [it could be not the first Universe in the Multiverse scenario (or perhaps successive Universes)]. It might be hard given the fact that we cannot yet perceive other factors that have played a part in the makeup of what we call reality. What is even harder is the fact that quantum physics is showing that the true nature and makeup of the Universe is not a physical material thing! (Here it is the Corner Stone)

We just don’t know yet and there are still new findings in modern day physics that delve into non-materialistic science that many mainstream materialistic scientists have yet to grasp and acknowledge.


An alternative retrospective view of what might had been the "energetic singularity" that gave rise to the Big Bang from the premise that before the Universe, there was only energy at various high vibrational frequencies.

Remember that during the second half of the XX-century it was discovered that, from certain energy threshold, the molecules vibrate in unison and behave like a single super-molecule that can propitiate in extreme, the energy continuity between the various energy levels above the Time-Space 3-D already prospected to the 4th dimension by Paul Dirac.

In addition the annihilation of particles entering into an “out of phase” state that become "pure energy threshold" has been prospected (Philadelphia Experiment 1943); transport of quantum fluctuations of energy through the quantum entanglement of the ions, a kind of snapshot of the light (photons) refraction, i.e. the transmitted energy without traveling throughout any intervening space avoiding overheating of ions. This could be the basis to carry out a hypothetical teleportation, originating the reverse process of "creation of matter” from light quantum.

Combining these two hypotheses in the reverse processes from the unison vibration of diverse energy vibration frequencies reaching the energy thresholds in resonance, would produce the "resonant energetic singularity” then to ions generating quantum fluctuations integrated as a "super molecule" that in resonance crossed a portal (energy threshold) generating the BIG BANG; the Dark Energy that emerged from BB-Vortex (fundamentally strings of Dark Matter), was attracted inside the hybrid form to the anti-vortexes, then the Dark Energy as compressed strings of Dark Matter came out from the vortexes center as uncompressed Dark Matter outside to the vortexes in the space between particles, moving as permanent hybrid inter-exchange DM-DE-DM-DE that means the DM oscillating into DE breaking the matter-antimatter balance and massively transforming into Dark Matter, giving rise to the "quantum of light" (a small proportion photons) then electrons and positrons, gluons, protons until created the atoms. After be bang, followed the tail of Dark Energy that increased along the life of Universe, to be today the mayor component with an average of 70%. (“The Strong Nuclear Force explanation” - “Time-Energy Theory”)

Thus would have begun the Universe 13,800 million years ago.

Everything before the Big Bang was only existence in the form of (Dark) Energy in different vibrational frequencies, from the Pure (Supreme) Energy to the Etheric Energy that was left behind in very high proportion, enveloping the Universe.

This is what could be called, THE SUPREME RESONANCE

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