The thesis of Robert Lanza, is very plausible because
the principle of conservation of energy.
Recall [of the Apocryphal Gospels of Mary Magdalene: The matter and the world 7 [...] then, will the matter be destroyed or not?
The Lord said, «All natures,
all productions and all the creatures are involved with each other (*), and
will dissolve again into their own root(**), because the nature of matter (***)
is dissolved in what belongs only to its nature. Who has ears to hear, let him
hear »
(*) The Unified
Field: The ALL?
(**) The soul takes-off to another level in higher
vibration of that of the human body: Energy transformed.
(***) The body
returns to where it comes from: Mother Nature, "you come from dust and to
dust you shall return". End of body energy.
As for the consciousness, it should be noted that this
is the interconnector vibrational body between the transcendent energies (ethereal-soul
and spirit-life) and the corporeal (physical body and mind) of human being; and
it operates in three dimensions: (i) ethics or transcendent consciousness
(attached to the soul); (Ii) operational consciousness (attached to the mind);
and (iii) sensory consciousness (attached to the physical body through the cellular
system). The only dimension of consciousness that transcends death is the
ethical or transcendent one, which is a kind of memory of the soul; as the
operational one interacts with resident memory in the brain and sensory one
with cellular memory.
Lanza sustains the multi-universal thesis, which does
not have total acceptance beyond the statements of scientists that have not
been able to prove it yet. [A team of researchers from UK, Canada and USA, led
by Stephen M. Feeney, studying the Big Bang, discovered circular patterns,
statistically unlike, in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) (which are in
the innermost spaces of the Universe). Scientists believe that these marks
could be "bumps" that our universe has received four times from other
universes. If this theory is correct, it would be the first evidence that there
are other universes other than ours.]
No need to go far to establish the possibility of
"parallel worlds"; these may exist within our universe in the
multiple galaxies. Lanza on the assertion that after death we travel to those
parallel worlds is unlike, because if there are parallel lives in the Cosmos,
these would be simultaneous and therefore death is also experienced in those
parallel lives; which would explain that the soul (our etheric energy) identifying
and transcending us is a spark in the quantum universe that has been multiplied
since its inception and remains intertwined operating under the principle of
quantum non-locality.
Black holes can be simply little
big bangs that occur in the interaction of our universe, with the infinite
outer space (Dark energy/Dark matter/Matter antimatter) and not the consequence
of inter-universal collisions –“direct result of attacks from neighboring
That soul is quantum energy,
there is little or no doubt and has attached a consciousness. You just have to
see cases of re-incarnation, that have been documented with testimonies, where
it is verified the bringing-back of vivid consciousness that allows the "deja-vu", however, new operational and
sensorial consciousness are conceived (different times and bodies); Therefore,
the theory of microtubules (resident in the brain), is unlike, although they
operate and explain non-locality and quantum entanglement eg between twins,
between mother and child and to a lesser extent and between brothers of the
same mother.
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