are a WHOLE and we are part of the ALL
quantum potential, unlike the field of force that manifests itself in universal
time-space, is a "field of form" that underlies all of nature in its
material, energetic and mental components.
is said that it is the field that shapes things, because the apparent dynamics
studied in Physics, seen as a reference system, does not subsist either in time
or space, but in an "eternal now" where everything that counts is the
form and the ability to capture objects in their image and resemblance; in
concept, it is the effectiveness of the "field of form" that shapes
the Universe at the quantum level; and in fact it does so instantaneously in an
endless synchronicity.
is the so-called "implicate order" of Bohm; while the Universe of time-space
and matter-energy is the "explicate order" in whose unfolding human
beings are immersed as physical bodies. The "explicate order" is thus
composed of objects that in turn are composed of atoms, which in turn are
composed of sub-atomic (elementary) particles. Precisely when we enter the
realm of sub-atomic particles (quanta), is that the existence of a synchronic
dance is discovered; and this is the wonder that until today is not possible to
explain by the science that remains in the local time-space Universe. (So far,
edited from SYNCHRONICITY of Pauli and Jung by Massimo Teodorani).
Kaku makes an approach that transcends universal time-space through the
"string theory" not yet fully accepted as such, in which prospects to
go beyond the "quantum" (sub-atomic particle) to the
"strings" (pure vibrations). In Quantum Mechanics we can say that the
transition to the "beyond time-space" is at the level of NEUTRINOS -
Dark Matter (DM), in its continuous transformation into Dark Energy (DE) and
vice-versa, understanding that this happens the same INTRA-universe as
EXTRA-universe where non-locality and entanglement continues at the energy
level (keep in mind the absolute predominance of Dark Energy at this level).
make it more graphic, we as human beings are (at the cellular level of DNA)
"quantum beings" and we are composed of four INTRA bodies (mental,
physical, emotional and casual); a resonant interconnector body (CONSCIOUSNESS);
and two EXTRA bodies (etheric energy - soul and vital energy - spirit). In
INTRA bodies, quantum mechanics operates (wave-particle, energy-matter); in the
interconnector body the RESONANCE (which are the infinite points of
communication between the INTRA and EXTRA bodies); and in the EXTRA bodies,
where the so-called "strings" (wave-energy in multidimensional worlds
with gradual vibration, to the pure energy or supreme energy) would operate.
is important to note that we are mechanically traversed permanently, by
trillions of NEUTRINOS that when colliding with our baryonic component
(physical body) and traversing it, propitiates the continuous and permanent
transformation DM-DE-DM-DE, with predominance of Dark Energy.
the dimensions are crossed by the resonant interconnector body - the
CONSCIOUSNESS - that allows instantaneous reactions within the dimensions that
is, the "eternal now".
beyond the 3-D (of universal time-space), crosses and transcends the Universe;
just as it crosses and transcends the human being and makes both a coherent
EXPLICATE ALL (matter-energy of the local time-space Universe) and an IMPLICATE
ALL (energy of the "eternal now" that exists since always, now and
forever through quantum entanglement and non-locality).
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