sábado, 23 de junio de 2018


Hermetic Principles and Quantum Physics

To answer this question, we must go back to the Hermetic Principles of Egypt 5,000 years ago and confront them with the foundations of Quantum Physics explored by Science only in the last century.
The simplest way is to comment in quantum terms the 7 Principles of Hermes Trimegistus:

Principle of Mentalism: The All is mind; the Universe is mental. Beyond the Cosmos, the Time and Space and of everything that moves and changes, is the substantial reality, the Fundamental Truth"
Remark: perhaps we should say that the ALL is CONSCIOUSNESS.
The All can encompass the Quantum Energy Field that permeates everything and where everything is contained; the quantum (indivisible) particles that make up the field, containing by itself all the possibilities and from which all creation takes entity, would be the Primordial Substance of Living Raw Material.

Principle of Correspondence: “As above, so below, as below, so above. Everything is equal in all planes of existence
In the most basic and fundamental level, when you go down depth enough into the subatomic universe of quantum particles, there is no difference between matter and energy (particle and wave). Then, what happen beyond the borders of the Universe?

Principle of Vibration: "Nothing rests, everything moves, everything vibrates".
The quantum energy of the Field and all forms, both of matter as of living beings, consists of an infinity of vibrating sub-atomic particles, each with its particular resonating frequency of vibration.

Principle of Polarity: "Everything is dual, everything has two poles, everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike ones are the same, the opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree, extremes touch each other…"
The quantum energy can be organized in a varying state of "coherence";
Negative pole - - - <<<<< Less << <<Quantum Coherence >>>> More >>>>> + + + Positive Pole
Cellular coherence, which is fundamentally of quantum nature, is the basis for the balance of health in the Human Being.

Principle of Rhythm: "Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates”
The compensation mechanism is originated by the application of wisdom and thought that are conscious quantum energies originating the initial impulse.
The rhythm is essential to achieve harmony and balance that enables optimal vibration level for cellular coherence; and the tuned integration on the field.

Principle of Cause-Effect: Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is nothing more than a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes from Law"
In the flow there is no random, due that every action produces a reaction; as it occurs in the simple act of "watching" -observation at the subatomic quantum level- either as a particle (matter) or as energy (wave). The observation generates the pulse (cause) to the tune toward coherence (effect).

Principle of Gender: "Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles Gender; manifests on all planes
Masculine = Active
Feminine = Passive
The interaction between both (mind and matter at quantum level) would be the cause of creation in the manifested world, due to the ability of consciousness to create quantum coherence to the concomitant organization of matter and of its ability to be extended toward its environment (the evolution). The High volitional intelligent energy (consciousness-impulse-active cause), generates the creation in the Field (passive subject) that allows quantum manifestation.

Let’s continue answering the question posed within the context of the Principle of Correspondence: if at the last level of the vibrating sub-atomic particles (deep within the atom) there is no difference between matter and energy; and given the principle that as it is above it is below and vice versa, at a highest level beyond the edges of the Universe, there would be no difference between matter and energy, which coincides with the thesis that before the Big Bang there was only "dark matter" and "dark energy" (in permanent transformation with each other) plus a balance between matter and anti-matter which would had been broken at the instant of the bang. Then beyond the edges of the Universe there would only exist "dark matter" and "dark energy" that -in continuous and mutual transformation of one with the other- would lead us to affirm that at that level there is no difference between matter and energy. Besides, “dark matter” and “dark energy” cross the whole Universe and all matter including living beings amounting for 95% of the Universe content. This is a dynamic of permanent vibration and interaction that propitiates the resonance in an infinite number of frequencies in which the wave’s points of coincidence, are the points of communication between the vibrating entities constituting the foundations of the CONSCIOUSNESS.

Polarity occurs precisely in the RESONANCE points. One pole is the highest point of the waves; and the other pole, the point of coincidence in the lowest part of the wave. This leads us to Vibration affirming f.i. that the GOOD has the same vibration of the EVIL, only that they are polar opposite. From the point of view of achievements, there are human beings for whom the GOOD is everything, but there are also those for whom the EVIL is the success; and they vibrate equally as satisfaction, some with the GOOD and others with the EVIL.

Being LOVE the greatest energy of the human being and therefore of highest vibration; the opposite is the HATE, but in lower vibration. LOVE gratifies those that feel it and drives them to be in optimal vibrational energy; just as the HATE harms the one who feels it, making his vibrational energy depress and causing damage that manifests itself in health. Similarly, it happens with the feeling of JOY (high vibration) or SORROW (low vibration) that also gratify or depress health respectively. Here is where we can graph the Rhythm, which seeks in the case of HATE and SORROW to compensate from CONSCIOUSNESS, applying wisdom in search of balance and enabling optimal vibration level for cellular coherence and consequently, the recovery of health.

Of course, the handling of the compensation through the rhythm, requires the will that is nothing but the active subject of the principle of Gender that, acting as Cause on the passive subject, originates the desired Effect.

That means to reach the optimal tuning (Sintony) in search of balance (Equilibrium), which are two key principles consequence of the Seven Hermetic Principles.
Considering that the HUMAN BEINGS operate based on the QUANTUM ENERGY from the nucleus of their cells that contain the vibrating sub-atomic particles (Photon, Phonon and Electron), it is integrated to the Quantum Energy of the Field (the ALL) through the CONSCIOUSNESS.

It is easy to conclude, that the CONSCIOUSNESS that is based on INFORMATION, is the RESONANCE in the Quantum Energy Field, because the information is transmitted precisely in the "points of resonance of the waves" and it is through these points (infinite in number), that the "quantum entanglement" operates manifesting the "quantum non-locality"; which occurs fundamentally in the energy-wave condition of the Quantum.

Then we land on the Principle of Mentalism concluding that The ALL is CONSCIOUSNESS, encompassing the Quantum Energy Field that permeates everything and where everything is contained; including the CREATION and then the beyond the Universal Time-Space.

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