domingo, 12 de enero de 2020


[TELEPATHY: a phenomenon that consists in the transmission or coincidence of thoughts between people, generally distant from each other, that occurs without the intervention of the senses or known physical agents]

The issue is conceptual, since science preaches telepathy as a fundamentally mental connection-transmission, when firstable it is an emotional (vibrational) connection that -when conscious- it uses the mind to drive. Conscious or involuntary interaction (at the subconscious level), occurs through the microtubules of the brain.

From Gabriel Lorente’s Paper (Professor of Physics at the National University of at Distance Education, Madrid):
Those who interpret the thought as a biochemical process defend that thoughts (reduced to biochemical process), can only be launched thanks to a physical or chemical stimulus (luminous, calorific, tactile, sound ...) applied to the senses of the subject. Those who defend the reductionism of mental operations to physical-chemical operations are less inclined to admit extra-material or extra-biochemical factors when interpreting human psyche.
Nevertheless, it is said that the "telepathic hypothesis" would face with a dilemma: either the telepathic interaction takes place between the material content of sender and receiver due to an unknown force, which seems to be hard to believe. Or, on the other hand, it is a phenomenon because there would be some extra-dimensional “mental factors” between sender and receiver where neither the conditions of spatial location, nor the distance between them are applicable.
In any case, we have to recognize that the acceptance of the dilemma second alternative raises a problem since ancient times. If the extra-spatial and extra-corporeal “mental factor”, not reducible to biochemistry is admitted, it would be necessary to explain in what way said non-biochemical factor interacts with the corporeal biochemical processes involved in the chain of the complete phenomenology of the supposed telepathic phenomenon.
UNQUOTE (Some paragraphs edited of this work, are reproduced later)

Precisely it is the second alternative “phenomenon because there would be some ‘extra-dimensional mental factors’ between sender and receiver because neither the conditions of spatial location, nor the distance between them are applicable"; only it must be specified that the connection is emotional at the vibratory level, which occurs thanks to the "quantum coherence".
But, what is quantum coherence and how does it work?
Quantum coherence is what allows the permanent union between "quanta" from the same source; the so-called "quantum entanglement" that makes the “non-local” effect possible.

In the Space-Time plane, occurs between "quanta" as particles or as waves; and in the Time-Energy plane (beyond Space-Time), it is given as vibrations (waves) in resonance. These phenomena of quantum coherence and distance action, both in the physical and biophysical world, explain the "Morphic Resonance" prospected by Robert Sheldrake*.

* Biochemist and physiologist at the University of Cambridge, he performed telepathic experiments between 2003 and 2004. After making 571 attempts at telepathic communication, with 63 volunteers, he established that the success rate was 41%.
He argues that this faculty exists and is present in everyone like any other ability; however, as all human capacities, must be developed to be used.

Strange forms of interaction are known between swarms of independent organisms (eg insects –bees- or birds, even animals in general), and between swarms of cells in tissues that seem united by phenomena of quantum coherence what undoubtedly occur within the human body through the Cellular System. There is no other way to explain how 100 Trillion cells performing 6 trillion of operations per second each, stay united (no matter what organ they are located in) and each one knows what is happening in the rest of the cells within the system.

The (Quantum) Neurology in general, or in particular the Penrose-Hameroff** hypothesis (microtubules of the brain) on the biophysical nature of consciousness, are logical assumptions, which open up new avenues of investigation that might also help in the explanation of the telepathic hypothesis. In the brain, there are 80 billion cells that we call “neurons” connected through synaptic areas where, neuro-electrical impulses produce the neuropeptides (neurochemicals) that regulate the functioning of the body and its interaction internally and with the outside. In all neuronal synapses, there are no less than the order of 1,000 trillion operations per second…

** Roger Penrose, an expert physicist and mathematician in the Theory of Relativity, has postulated the existence of a quantum biophysics of the mind. Stuart Hameroff, an anesthetist at the University of Arizona accompanied Penrose in this thesis.
The Penrose-Hameroff hypothesis opens a way to understand telepathy from the scientific point of view. However, more than conclusions, a new field of research raised.

Rather, telepathic experiences can be conscious and subconscious. …

The subconscious telepathic experience is perceived independently of the "now", but it occurs in the "now" (in reality, everything happens in the "now", the past has already happened and the future does not yet occur); that is to say, they are resonances that occur (normally, but not exclusively) when you are in lethargy or sleeping (dreams). This experience draws on a kind of "subconscious memory" that causes resonance; they also present with the same characteristics and manifest themselves in dreams because of recent situations that may even be common, which due to their proximity in time, reverberate in the microtubules of the brain.

Typically, a manifestation of the subconscious telepathic experience is the remote farewell of a dying loved person. This may occur at instants or moments prior to the departure; if you are awake, by a shudder, the presence of the beloved person comes to mind; or for a farewell scene that is set in lethargy or dreaming, if you are sleeping. In the moments before die the passing person takes the active position in the telepathic transmission due to the desire to say goodbye to the loved person(s) who is (are) not present aside and whose presence the passing person longs for. Many have experienced these scenes and even verified the times when the farewell occurred.

The foundation of this type of occurrence, are the strong bonds of love beyond the biological, between (quantum) entangled beings that keep tuned, resonating at the time of farewell regardless of the distance they are (non-localiy), because they are quantum united.

A quick and logical reasoning even with knowledge of Quantum Physics could lead us to conclude that what has been reflected is not possible, since the “quantum” is the indivisible sub-atomic particle and is matter, although according observation, it might be a particle (matter) or wave (energy). But we must be borne in mind that energy precedes matter. Besides if we refer back to the Big Bang, previously to the explosion there was only Dark Energy in enormous proportion with respect to the Dark Matter (much smaller proportion) and a balance matter-antimatter that the enormous pressure of the Dark Energy would have broken generating the elementary matter (Baryonic Matter) at the time of the BB pushing it forward together with the Dark Matter. So the proportion at the beginning of the Universe was:
Dark Matter 63% / Neutrinos 10% / Photons 15% / Atoms 12%; left behind the Dark Energy, which quickly began to gain proportion in the universal space.
Today the proportion is in the order of…
Dark Matter 23% / Baryonic Matter 5% / Dark Energy 72%

That is to say, the “quanta” before and beyond Space-Time, are ENERGY (Vibrations) and have the fundamental quantum characteristics of “entanglement” and “non-locality”, maintaining the UNION with the origin regardless of space (location) and reacting accordingly, by RESONANCE (affinity or quantum coherence).

This empirical reasoning approximates a scientific explanation to "subconscious telepathy"; and certainly to "conscious telepathy" too.

Regarding distance interaction, science begins with the basic knowledge that the only modes of interaction between (physical) objects located in different spatial locations (sometimes called at distance forces) are the gravitational force (exerted between masses), and electromagnetic interaction (exerted between electric charges, either static, or dynamic). Therefore, the significant consequence of detecting telepathic interactions, carried out with rigorous methodology, would be the identification of a new mode of distance interaction, not product of gravitational nor electromagnetic interactions, but carried out by means of a form of distance interaction unknown up to the present day. This fact would be an open door to new horizons of physics; that is, of the knowledge of nature.

That knowledge is to my logical understanding, the one empirically prospected in the preceding paragraphs.

A reliable test of telepathy (non-conscious), occurs very frequently among people and their pets, e.g. dogs (only 84% of simile at DNA level) that perceive at a distance, when their master is coming home and they manifest it barking with joy; and this is pure vibration by emotion (energy), product of empathy: resonance in quantum coherence.

Now, for the conscious telepathic experience, another key element is involved: the WILL…; but before continuing with Telepathy, we show (also edited) the figure that approximates the functioning of the brain's microtubules.


From that work:
… Faster than every 1/40 of a second, the microtubules of neuronal cells fluctuate in and out of resonance, creating our physical space (body / mind) to align harmoniously with the singularity of quantum non-locality, which gives us an experience of the present moment: the NOW. This is a sequence of photos showing the Fibonacci geometry of microtubules entering resonance, which makes possible our quantum consciousness. (Edited from The Resonance Project - Nassim Haramein)

This dynamic works the same to receive and interpret from the outside, as to transmit to the outside; and internally with the integrity of the Cellular System to and from the organs of our Physical Body. The MIND (intelligence) interprets and generates the decision process. The Emotional Body receives and emits ENERGY and its control (through the mind) is fundamental

Let us now try reflections on CONSCIOUS TELEPATHY:

We must begin by affirming that THOUGHTS ARE ENERGY emitted in high frequency (brain waves) in colors and luminosity when they are positive; and lower frequency opaque and bleak, when they are negative. [Remark.- Experiences with Ayahuasca (DMT) formally carried out and supervised by professionals in a US hospital, have confirmed that the energies that surround the human body (or emitted by ...) are perceived in the patient's brain in Fibonacci geometry in different colors and sounds]

Over-simplifying the prospection, if we accept that thoughts are energy being emitted from the brain as part of the spectrum of human energy, the rest is to have the WILL to direct them, so that they are perceived. But the directing is NOT SPACE-TIME wise; it is to the QUANTUM UNITARIANISM of INFINITE VIBRATIONS (the NOW) that envelops and transverses everything; and certainly, there must be one or more receivers (no matter where they are located) that by affinity (quantum coherence) are entangled, either voluntarily or involuntarily, since the will is an essential condition of the emitter. Bear in mind that we are woven into the fabric of the universe (and beyond energetically speaking) to such a degree that the Space-Time diversity and the Time-Energy multidimensionality are an integral part of our anatomy.

Sheldrake's aforementioned experience shown the best result (41% effectiveness; there are others between 30% and 37%). It was performed with EMITTER and RECEIVER placed in the same room presuming the need for physical proximity, which is quantum irrelevant, since the “non-locality” nature of the quantum kingdom keeps the transmitter-receiver united, independent of the distance at which they are placed on the planet (space-time). This condition is evident in the case of subconscious telepathy that many have experienced when a loved one said goodbye just before passing away; and what often happens at the level of feeling or emotion between twins that may be spatially distant from each other and react simultaneously to the cause at the same moment it occurs.

I don't know, but I would say that the 63 volunteer participants in the Sheldrake experiment, which carried out 571 attempts with 41% effectiveness, had little affinity (quantum coherence) between them. I want to say that if the 63 volunteers had been familiar or friends with a level of family or social life and affinity (empathy) throughout life, the effectiveness would have been much higher.

Recently, we wrote the note Quantum Computing, Brain and Consciousness. There we began by stating “…the most powerful of the quantum computers that exist is the HUMAN BRAIN. If this were not true, it would be impossible for us humans to have advanced as far as we have already advanced and it would be impossible to continue and achieve a Quantum Computer that far exceeds the traditional binary computer that we all know and use…”

We also affirmed “…The HUMAN BEING has the BRAIN as a QUANTUM COMPUTER forming an INTEGRATED SOFTWARE-HARDWARE SYSTEM (connected) to the MOTOR MECHANISM (the BODY) so it is easy to understand the HUMAN conditions of NON-LOCALITY and QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT within the body, given that all the parts -all the QUANTA- although spatially dispersed in the physical body, have the same source, complying with the QUANTUM FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE, THAT THE SUB-ATOMIC PARTICLES (QUANTA) FROM THE SAME SOURCE, ARE KEPT UNITED (ENTANGLED), REGARDLESS THEIR SPACE POSITION OR DISTANCE BETWEEN THEM (NON-LOCALITY)…” Specifically: the perfect QUANTIC COHERENCE.
“… THESE FUNDAMENTAL CONDITIONS OF NON-LOCALITY and QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT are the main obstacle to the QUANTUM COMPUTING under investigation and development, since it is those conditions that make possible the TELEPORTATION between the sub-atomic particles (QUANTA); which is fundamental, since the Quantum Computers will all be, SPACIALLY SEPARATE, but their QUANTA, must remain ENTANGLED (quantum united) …


The Paper about Quantum Computing and the Brain, ends-up with the following paragraph: “…Both problems (Non-locality and Entanglement that is to say: Quantum Coherence) are immanently solved in the most perfect of the QUANTUM COMPUTERS: the HUMAN BRAIN (at self-contained level); with the possibility not denied, that in the future human brains can interact remotely, through TELEPATHY, which is nothing but TELEPORTATION of information between human brains.”

Here I leave this Paper: THE TELEPATHY - IT IS A PHYSICAL FACT THAT SCIENCE CANNOT EXPLAIN, opening the space for scientific speculation so that it would be possible to determine how the fundamentals of QUANTUM COHERENCE can be reached among human beings (demonstrated, for example, with dogs with only 84% DNA level matching), taking into account that we have a common remote origin and that the ENTANGLEMENT and NON-LOCALITY have been diluted, although at the DNA level (which contains the “fundamental quanta: PHOTON, PHONON and ELECTRON”) we have over 99.5% coincidence.
There is therefore the potential and the quantum base; It is only necessary to recover the QUANTUM COHERENCE that is there, but we still cannot approximate, except for the coherence manifesting between mother-son, twins and, to a lesser extent between brothers, relatives; and that develops at a vibrational level (‘quantum’ as wave-energy), from LOVE.

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