jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015



To understand this affirmation, we resort to the concepts developed in "The Laws of Nothingness" (Salvador Sanchez Melgar); and begin by accepting that the IMMENSITY (called INFINITE, EMPTINESS or INFINITE-VOID) that was before the Big Bang, was the NOTHINNESS, and we will use the term to induce logically its non-existence over time.

In a binary conceptualization, we say that NOTHINGNESS tends to ONE; and instead the EXISTENCE tends to ZERO.

Combining as indicated in the preceding paragraphs let begin by (momentarily) accept that NOTHINGNESS IS INFINITE; but to be INFINITE it has to be necessarily ABSOLUTE. And if there had been the ABSOLUTE NOTHINGNESS (as Stephen Hawking argue, adding that TIME did not exist by then), there would be NO EXISTENCE. But we exist; there is the Universe, therefore the NOTHINGNESS CAN NOT BE INFINITE and of course, neither ABSOLUTE.

But NOTHINGNESS cannot be FINITE, because if it were, it would not be NOTHINGNESS.

In conclusion, THE NOTHINGNESS DOES NOT EXIST, AND HAS NEVER EXISTED; it ends up being a philosophical concept.

Moreover, within this context being ZERO an approximation to the infinitesimal (X/) that is to say into the TINY EXISTENCE, it turns out to be a INFINITELY TINY EXISTENCE, as such -individually- tends to ZERO, to be NEGLIGIBLE; that is a TINY EXISTENCE occupying a infinitely tiny place in the IMMENSITY.

But an ENDLESS STOCKS OF TINY EXISTENCES dispersed in different places of the IMMENSITY (called NOTHINGNESS or INFINITE VOID which as we have seen is not empty, nor is infinite), makes a MEANINGFUL EXISTENCE.

There would have been a place of that INMMENSITY (in a moment of time along the INFINITE ETERNITY) a point of dense concentration of MEANINGFUL EXISTENCE that would have been the SINGULARITY rising the BIG BANG.

That INFINITY OF TINY EXISTENCE was in the form of DARK MATTER and DARK ENERGY, co-existing with a balance of MATTER-ANTIMATTER (where matter is and is not, but it is) and the dense concentration of mass exploded at the instant of the BIG BANG generating a slight imbalance between matter and antimatter with a predominance of matter, giving rise to the BARYONIC MATTER we see now in the Universe. Therefore, there was a cause (the Singularity) and the Big Bang was the EFFECT in an instant of the TIME ETERNITY.

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