The extension of the Mind through
Consciousness in the 4th world is the Etheric Level composed by Dark Mater -
Dark Energy which being the “frictionless messenger media” of Consciousness
(Quantum Entanglement) ends up as the storage of the memories in that level, as
4th dimension matter.
The élan of emotions being special
energies, are stored as 5th dimension DM-DE, having the ability to observe and
receive energy of others emotions we can feel by more sophisticated feelings
that manifest –Causal Level- in the 6th dimension (volitional level). The 7th
dimension is where the elevated souls are as shadows of the etheric 4th
dimension souls attached to our physical bodies in the 3-dimensional world.
The vortexes being the connections
between worlds (dimensions) preset the highest speed transformation of
DM-DE-DM-DE (Dark Matter Strings) carrying the entanglement between worlds in
instantaneous reactions (non-locality characteristic of Quantum Physics).
Remember in Cartesian Physics we are in
the Time-Space; in Quantum Physics we are in the NOW.
It is clear that as human beings we are
permanently crossed by a huge amount of Dark Matter (Neutrinos) in interaction
with the Dark Energy that becomes Dark Matter when colliding with the matter of
our physical body and vice versa; it is this enormous amount of matter-energy
that flows through us and in which we are immersed, which allows as
“Frictionless Media Messenger " all
our Cellular System -100 trillion cells, each performing 60 trillion operations
per second- to be quantum connected as a whole instantly and permanently, so
each cell being informed about what is happening in each and every one of the
other; but not only as sub-atomic particles (quanta) photon, phonon and
electron forming our DNA, but also as energy.
It is in this way that we emit and
perceive “emotions-thoughts (feelings)-idea”s (which are but quanta organized in waves-energy) traveling
and traversing both the energy levels and dimensions instantly; and they come
and go (f.i. by way of dreams) that do not reside in our brain or memory, but
come from the dimension in which are stored (if the term fits) and enter the
sub-conscious; all at high speed (presumably ultra-light speed) and through the
vortexes formed in the transformation of DM-DE-DM-DE (the “Frictionless
Media Messenger ") between
dimensions (worlds) and energy levels (content) all nested in 7. The Elan of
emotions f.i. go to and/or come from the fifth dimension to the Human Being
(also organized in 7 bodies) impacting the Emotional Body.
But it must be understood (it can be
very difficult if we try to comprehend it as mental process) that it is not a
trip up-down, forward-backward, right-left or in any direction; they are
"instant reactions" under the quantum perspective: NOW, through the DM-DE-DM-DE
transformation dynamics within the vortexes. This does not follow a Cartesian
dynamics (space-time); this follows a quantum dynamics.
The vortexes are formed by the
transformation of DM-DE at the macro level in the universal space; and at
sub-atomic level within the baryonic matter that is crossed permanently by the
DM-DE. Throughout the multi-dimensionality, the vortexes behave as
inter-dimensional "Portals“ of pure energy where there in no space nor speed; everything is instantaneous reaction in the NOW.
This geometry that reduces the particles interaction math (thousands of formulas) to the “amplituhedron” computational model that yields an equivalent one-term expression, could help to remove two deeply rooted principles of physics: locality and unitarity.
Locality is the notion that particles
can interact only from adjoining positions in space and time. And unitarity
holds that the probabilities of all possible outcomes of a quantum mechanical
interaction must add up to one. The concepts are the central pillars of (unified)
quantum field theory in its original form, but in certain situations involving
gravity, both break down, suggesting neither is a fundamental aspect of nature.
In keeping with this idea, the new geometric approach to particle interactions
removes locality and unitarity from its starting assumptions.
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