By the time you feel an emotion, the
hypothalamus releases the neurotransmitters (neuropeptides) acting through the
pituitary in the synaptic membranes modular area.
The Synapse is a special intercellular union between neural cells or
between a neuron and effectors cell (almost always glandular or muscle). It is
in these areas of contact where the transmission of the nervous impulse -starting
with a chemical discharge- causes an electric current in the membrane of the
pre-synaptic (emitting) cell; once this nerve impulse reaches the end of the
axon (connection with other cell), the neuron secretes a type of chemicals
(neurotransmitters) that are deposited in the synaptic space (space between the
transmitting neuron and the receiving neuron). These substances or neurotransmitters (see
table in the Part II - previous release) are responsible for excite or inhibit
the action of the other cell called cell post synaptic (recipient).
These electro-chemical links send the signs of life endurance,
affecting other neurons or non-neuronal cells such as muscle’s or glandule’s.
There are two types of different base activities, those of life endurance and
those of survival activities.
Synaptic activity of life endurance is developed in the following
- Between two neurons: stimulus carried-out by amino acid type of neurotransmitters.
- Between a neuron and a muscle cell: stimulus carried-out by ester (oxygenated acids) type of neurotransmitters.
- Between a neuron and a secretory cell: stimulus carried-out by neuropeptide type of neurotransmitters.
The secret of wellbeing, is in the right
neurochemical balance of the brain, which is achieved when there is coherence at
cellular system level (including neuronal), which is accomplished with an
optimal level of system vibration as a whole and of each particular organ.
Indeed, the cellular system vibrates within the limits of a frequency range;
and each organ in a particular sub-range to each other even when they are
paired organs (eg lungs, brain lobes, kidneys ...).
Any deviation in any organ is the onset of a
disease, which is instantly recorded in every one cell of the system due to the
"sensory consciousness" that operates based on the quantum
non-locality at DNA’s level. The brain before any imbalance reacts positively
sending energy to restore balance; or negatively, causing depression and
generating weakness in the immune system and therefore the cellular system as a
whole. This reaction occurs at synaptic level where brain neurochemicals act to
excite or inhibit cell actions.
It is clear to the extent that the person
itself -or resorting to third people energies- exert recovery in the first
instance (or instance complementary to traditional medicine), that the benefit
will be at neurochemical level in the brain and in restoring the vibrational
level of the organ (or organs) concerned.