REFLECTIONS AS WAY OF CONCLUSION: in the holographic layers of the quantized (fractal) universal curved space, it is quite possible that -in effect- the "quantum entanglement" confirming quantum characteristic of "non-locality" occurs, re-affirming the Quantum Physics as the most sound established scientific basis to explain the Universe since its creation (Big Bang) and its evolution to the present day.
This HOLOGRAPHY curved UNIVERSAL QUANTIZATION arrangement to which the interaction between Dark Matter and Dark Energy is integrated (the so called QUINTESSENCE), would prove to be the "frictionless messenger media" running through the information of a "quantum" whose status has been altered, so that the corresponding “entangled quanta” consequently change their status at the place of the Universe where they could be.
Quantum Coherence is the inseparable part of the systemic holographic scheme that integrates the "highest level" (spiritual and etheric bodies) to the lower level (specifically mental and physical bodies); and of course through the higher level of the energetic Universe holography. The platform of this integration is CONSCIOUSNESS. If this prospective thesis is combined with the already demonstrated rain of neutrinos (Dark Matter) crossing the visible matter (hence the human body) without disturbing it, we find how the human being is integrated to the quantized holographic Universe tessellation.
We shall then indeed come to the QUINTESSENCE that could be called the UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS. Then we would enter a very complex space of discussion because at the human level, CONSCIOUSNESS form a SYSTEM with LIFE ENERGY (Spiritual), ETHERIC (Soul), MENTAL and PHYSICAL bodies. What SYSTEM at the level of the UNIVERSE, can be integrated possessing INTELLECT (integration of Etheric Body [Soul] and Life Energy Body [spirit]) and interact with an OPERATING MIND and LIVING MATTER?
If there is somewhere in the Universe a similar SYSTEM, that would mean that there is CONSCIOUS LIFE in that place, which according to indications is highly probable; and maybe communication would be established in the future via quantum entanglement by means of quantum computing. In any case, beyond the conscious life, the answer may be of transcendent nature: THE ALL, THE LIVING MIND (which may be is more appropriate to call it UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS) as wide as we can conceive it, since life and consciousness are far superior to purely mechanical force or matter.
Infinite living consciousness (at the highest level of vibrations) compared with finite life and mentality; aspects that would take out the ABSTRACTION to the John Hagelin postulates by migrating its UNIFIED FIELD, to an INTELLIGENT CREATIVE ENERGY.
It’s generally affirmed (Gregg Braden) that information is everywhere in the Universe as a “whole”; but in my opinion there is no “simultaneous actions at distance” between associated sub-atomic particles although the information contained in the particles might be the same; rather there is “instantaneous reaction” between those particles through the “frictionless messenger media” connecting the “cause” with the “effect” at ultra-relativistic speed.
This would be the base (crazy idea), to explain the PHYSICS OF CONSCIOUSNESS.
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