lunes, 17 de agosto de 2015


The light and sound tune LOVE. This is the difference between the power of the Creator and everything else, is the way to the triumph of love over evil (or lack of good), of love over fear and of the truth of love over the manipulating power of human minds.
We are fundamentally more electromagnetic than chemical beings. The control of evolution is more in the forces of quantum mechanics than in the DNA (King, 2003).
... Genetics research leads scientists to look experimentally at the helical structure of DNA as a possible holographic "projector" of the DNA code. Thus, the existential level described by the DNA spiral staircase translates into an EM field that guides the molecular growth of the organism.
The DNA is thus a quantum-energetic element; cells are energy units, the human being -in addition to being 70 to 80% water- is fundamentally energy.
It has been demonstrated that DNA accesses an antenna and shows that the main function of DNA is to receive and transmit photons (light quanta) and phonons (sound quanta) for cellular regulation, which means that the pyramidal power of spirals around the energy of DNA, absorb the life energy of the vibration of Love that then is expelled out to manifest and rush into a quantum field: physical matter of the body.

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