jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015


A narrative video with a very interesting and ilustrative content.

The cellular system of the human body is intelligent. So smart are neurons as are the cells of the heart or the liver and all have memory but different functions. The heart is the Energy Center of the body from emotions, among which the most powerful and highest vibratory frequency, is LOVE.

The electromagnetic field of the heart is 5,000 times stronger than the one of the brain and is the center of coherence but not of consciousness that has its origin and role in the spiritual and etheric bodies interconnection (upper level), to the mental, physical, emotional and casual bodies (lower level).
Do not confuse the issue of the power of the heart with specific powers that are proper of the HUMAN BEING SYSTEM (of which the heart is part); and whose architecture is given by the Cellular System which is supported by the quantum entanglement of the DNA (residing in each and every one of the 100 Trillion of cells).

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