jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015


A page of reflections by Luis Bravo Villaran

Let's start with the opposite to NOTHINGNESS: one would say the ALL, but is enough with SOMETHING
The intangible something is the aspect of reality that we cannot experience directly, and the tangible something is what we can directly experience.
Therefore, by definition the NOTHINGNESS is absolute because if there were something from which to come, would not be the NOTHINGNESS; which means that the RELATIVE NOTHINGNESS simply has no logical support.
It is argued that prior to the Creation or Big Bang which began when the (absolute) NOTHINGNESS ceased to be, the time did not exist.
But, ¿what is “the time”?
It is said that in the displacement of something within a (unique) SPACE, TIME is a numerical order related to the motion. Under this concept, it is clear that the TIME is measurable.
We can measure the past time (including the age of the Universe), we can measure the future time; but we can be in neither one nor in the other. In our past we were, in the future we might be; from which we can deduce by simple logic that TIME is just this VERY MOMENT (RIGHT NOW, this INSTANT), so TIME IS A VIRTUAL CONSTANT [virtual: (i) having the power to produce an effect, although this does not occur in the present; (ii) tacit, implicit // virtue: activity or force of circumstance to produce its effects].
Specifically, the TIME IS RIGHT NOW ... (Every cause or effect occurs in an instant ... or at successive times or in sequenced order if it follows a process, to which can be given a numerical order).
It is then clear that, if the Creation or Big Bang began in an INSTANT, “the TIME” existed; and, according to some scientists, an INSTANT BEFORE there was nothing (absolute or relative NOTHINGNESS); and that from NOTHING, SOMETHING (a presence) instantly happened that gave birth to the Universe. Maybe an INTANGIBLE SOMETHING likely in the form of an INTELLIGENT VOLITIONAL ENERGY that gave rise to a BIG BANG… to the CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE, giving way to a MEGA-EVOLUTIONARY INTELLIGENT PROCESS WITH MULTIPLE SIMULTANEOUS HORIZONTAL INSTANTS, and FORWARD MULTI-DIRECTION MOMENTS WHERE MULTIPLE MICRO/NANO-EXPANDING PROCESSES ALSO INTELLIGENT AT SUB-ATOMIC (QUANTUM) LEVEL occurred.
So the NOTHINGNESS is not such, than at the initial instant (we call it ZERO), the Universe began to expand (and continues today) to an EMPTY NO BORDER INFINITE, forming an intelligent geometry. If there is no such EMPTY SPACE, ignition had not been given and ALL indeed would be NOTHING (NO EXISTANCE).In fact, the Infinite Space had not been (before the Big Bang) and nor is now empty; in it there was and is today Dark Matter, Dark Energy and balance of Matter-Antimatter, which at one point of time have given rise to the "Singularity" that due to pressure of Dark Energy on a concentration of Dark Matter would have led to the Big Bang, breaking the matter-antimatter balance and giving birth to the Universe.
The absolute nothingness is consequently, the consciousness that -except by the absolute existence of INTELLIGENT ENERGY-, the VOID SPACE (really not empty) is what is called the NOTHINGNESS; and that the existence of INTELLIGENT ENERGY (the ALL) is absolutely incomprehensible to our limited human minds. The relative nothingness is –according to some scientific opinions- the state of nothingness that preceded Creation ex-nihilo (from or of the nothingness) or the Big Bang nihilo (impossibility of any knowledge, given the absence of something).
Be conscientious that, if we could integrate all the brilliant minds of scientists (creationists or not) in a unique mind, it will not have the reach to understand how the Universe and Life originated; because that is not processable by (mental) COMPREHENSION, it can only be intuitively perceived and prospected in the UNDERSTANDING, not by intelligence but by INTELLECT.
Hermes Trismegistus, is the one who was closer (5,000 years ago) to that UNDERSTANDING, with an extraordinary coincidence with the QUANTUM PHYSICS -science- not older than 100 years (XX century); and it seems that no one can deny that Creation or Big Bang (as you prefer to call it) was a QUANTUM EVENT in that INSTANT and then to the present day in successive evolving INTELLIGENT instants.
The Hermetic Principles. The first one, the Mentalism: “The ALL is Mental” (should be better said “The ALL is CONSCIOUSNESS”); then the principles of Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause and Effect and Generation, to which the Tuning-Synchrony and the Equilibrium principles should be added. These are the principles that govern and support all EXISTENCE and EVOLUTION.

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