jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

II. GRAVITY – The no yet quantized GRAVITON?


II. GRAVITY – The no yet quantized GRAVITON?
The same Theory of General Relativity being a deterministic theory, models gravity as a curvature in space-time that changes with the motion of matter and energy densities
This interaction between Dark Matter and Dark Energy sets the dynamic range of the Holographic Universe to the Infinite; and the predominance of Dark Energy over Dark Matter, is what makes the Universe to expand continuously.
Likewise -it can be presumed- that Dark Energy and Dark Matter act at intra-Universe level, balancing the galaxies and the orbits of cosmic bodies, including all Baryonic Matter.
It is from this interaction that arises the Graviton (quantum) which allows the balance of strengths in the rotation of components that make up the visible (ordinary) matter of the Universe.
When Dark Energy collides with Baryonic Matter, Dark Matter is generated thus leading to particle excitations in some type of dynamic field, which is called the Quintessence that differs from the "cosmological constant" for its dynamic property in space and time.
In short, the Graviton, would be "the invisible or undetectable" (virtual sub-atomic particle that comes and goes), manifested in the limit or transition between the "Dark Energy" and "Dark Matter" and vice versa.
Applying the Principle of Correspondence ("As above, so below; as below, so above") fractal down, the atom has the same dynamics as the cosmos; and therefore also at the atomic level the graviton would manifest, maintaining the balance in the rotation of electrons around the nucleus (neutrons and protons) within the cloud that limits the atom, as the great cloud surrounding the solar system (see enlarged photos).
The GRAVITON would be a sub-atomic particle in the invisible part of the atom. Keep in mind that Dark Energy and Dark Matter (neutrinos) are present throughout the Universe, on Earth in the living spaces we inhabit, crossing Ordinary Matter (incl. human body). Simply: we are quantum energy matter.

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