jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015


Energetic therapies

The human being is a system of continuous vibration energies. The molecules that make any kind of matter are in constant vibration. The same applies to atoms and subatomic particles. In fact, every atom, every molecule and every cell have respectively an electromagnetic band of some length emitting and absorbing energy.

Then it is in communication with the outside world, transmitting and receiving, via its resonant frequency spectrum. Thanks to this we can interact with the body and get benefit in case of illness with the help of a wide range of vibrational therapies. These techniques influence the consistency and intensity of the human energy system. Coherence is a harmonious relationship between the parts of a system and it is imperative to be healthy physically, mentally and emotionally.

During the second half of the twentieth century, it was found that beyond certain energetic threshold, the molecules vibrate in unison and behave as a single super-molecule.

Because of this property, we can say that the human being is a quantum complex where there is a fully coherent wave pattern. To promote such consistency, there could be interaction with the body by using light therapy, color, sound or even music.

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